Healthy diet, good source of nutrients, carbs control and eat the right foods are the keys for having a good muscle development. I started working out when I was in 21. I used to be skinny but obviously I gained more pounds of muscles not fats. I considered many things before just to gain muscle. I found it very hard because I’m an asian and asian doesn’t have a bulky body structure. My target is a lean athlete guy and I reached my goal. I want to share some points I gathered during start of my diet. I am very thankful of my fitness instructor and nutritionist for having a good body physique. If you want to maintain a good body, eating right is the most important things.These are the following rules should consider in maintaining good body:
1. Eat more but eat right.
The biggest mistake that people make is that they think the less you eat the better. But you need food. It's just a matter of choosing what kind of food to eat. You don't need to have a full stomach and you don't need to be hunger too. You have to eat light meal before you workout and that's will promote your burning fat potentials. Eating is better if you divide it into 6 meals a day instead of having 3 big meals. Eating 6 small portions a day will burn much calorie at the end of the day.
2. Prepare to cheat.
You can have 1-2 cheat days a week but in other days you have to eat properly. If you eat properly, you actually increase tour metabolism and burn more fat. So if you want to have cheat days, you should get your metabolism to a point that will burn fat easily.
3. Carbs is your friend.
Some people say they will cut down on rice, they say carbs is the devil. You know what it is, an alibi. You don't want to eat carbs because you don't want to workout. Carbs is easy to burn. And there's such a thing as good carbs. You have to select good carbohydrates, not No to carbs. If you want to get a lower carbs content, you should consider eating some fruits, whole grains and veggies every day. They contain a good source of vitamins, minerals that are serves as your fuel when having an intense workout which you cannot get from any supplements. Supplements are good but the real sources of vitamins are great. We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You should start each day with good source of carbs like whole grains. Cereals or oats are the best ways start you day. If not available, try to grab some in supermarket with whole wheat or whole oat on the nutrition fact content. Try to have some good bread made from whole grains for lunch to mid-morning snacks. Always check the label to make sure that you are on the right food to take. Pasta also a good source of cabs. There are some pasta made from 50% whole wheat flour and %0% white flour. Beans are also great source of carbs and protein at the same time.
4. Never skip meals.
I don't skip meals because if I do that, it slows down my metabolism. It also promotes fat retention and makes us to gorge on unhealthy one, that's a big NO. Skipping meals not helping your body to loose weight but it makes you hungrier, so when you decided to have a next meal you will end up overeating for sure. Never starve yourself by skipping meals and eating one big meal after. The point is if you skip meals, it lowers your metabolism and you body will not burn fat and you muscle will sacrifice by burning lean muscle.